It’s easy not to see a common problem when you’re looking at your belt conveyor system every single day. But a quick visual inspection can mean the difference between a productive day and a costly day for your cement operation. It’s also helpful to know what to look for when you’re walking the line because sometimes small irregularities can end up causing big problems.
SOLUTION: Skive your belt before applying splices, when possible, and use low profile fasteners with a coined edge. Skiving the belt reduces the fastener profile on the belt, resulting in improved fastener-cleaner compatibility and increased fastener service life. When the skiving layer is removed, the fasteners are installed so they are even or slightly below the belt surface. This outcome reduces the chances of the fasteners getting caught on belt components and even the structure itself.
BONUS! Find out when you should and shouldn’t be skiving your belts here.
Poor transition distance.
SOLUTION: Check your transition distances. Verify that your transition distances are in line with CEMA standards. Typically for fabric belts, CEMA recommends a transition distance of 4.0 x the belt width.
BONUS! REAL-LIFE RESULT! Having the right equipment, but the wrong specifications can be a problem. Read how the transition distances at a load zone affected material containment at a gravel plant.
Fasteners that are too large for the smallest pulley.
SOLUTION: Check the minimum pulley (where the belt wraps 90 degrees or more) diameters against both the belt manufacturer’s recommendations as well as the fastener manufacturer’s recommendations. Using a pulley diameter that is smaller than the belt and/or fastener’s recommended size can produce excessive bending stresses with the possibility of belt splice failure.
BONUS! Not sure what fastener to use? Check out the fastener selection filter on the left side of our Mechanical Belt Fastening Systems page.
Small pulleys, incorrect lagging, worn lagging.
SOLUTION: The proper pulley diameter is crucial to belt performance. When it comes to slippage, the surface area where the belt goes from full tension (top) to partial tension (bottom) and “shrinks” puts an extensive amount of pressure on the lagging to move with it and prevent slip. Often, the small pulley will be substituted to save costs without consideration for this belt shrink – if they minimize the pulley size, they also minimize the area in which the lagging can help the belt shrink as it wraps around the pulley. Reducing the size of the pulley this much may cause slippage. Additionally, verify that the correct lagging is being used and is in good condition. New rubber lagging that is slipping may indicate that ceramic lagging, with a higher coefficient of friction, should be used instead. If there are any tiles missing or flat spots on older lagging, then it’s time to replace it.
BONUS! Our Flexco Lagging Calculator can help you find the correct lagging for your pulleys.
Improperly squared belt.
SOLUTION: Square belt using appropriate tools. An accurate, squared cut will enhance belt and splice performance and ensure that the belt tension is distributed evenly across the belt. It also discourages mistracking, which can occur when a cut is made on an angle, causing the belt to wander. Don’t forget to use a proper belt cutter (as opposed to a utility knife) for a safer, straighter cut.
BONUS! Squaring the belt isn’t rocket science, but it is important to follow the steps outlined in this Insights.
Poor skirting, no impact protection.
SOLUTION: Skirting is important in the load zone because it stops material spillage leaks, controls dust emissions and eliminates other resulting problems such as belt damage and mistracking. Seek out a skirting system that is easy to service and has corrosion resistant components for less maintenance. You will also want to ensure that the proper impact protection is available and the belt is properly supported in the load area. Your impact protection should take into account lump weight and drop height, and should deliver maximum protection to your belt in the load zone.
BONUS: REAL-LIFE RESULT! A major iron ore mine was looking for an effective, long lasting skirting solution. They found it with Flexco. Learn how.
Belt mistracking.
SOLUTION: Before finding a device that can help solve your problem, you must first identify what type of mistracking you are experiencing. Misalignment of rollers or pulleys, an incorrect splice, and material buildup are just a few of the things that can get your belt off track. If your belt is constantly moving back and forth, you are experiencing wander, while a belt that runs to one side constantly is simply mistracking. The device you choose depends on which type of mistracking is occurring, along with the belt tension, belt speed, thickness, width, and whether the belt reverses.
REAL-LIFE RESULT: When space was an issue for a hard rock mining operation, The PTEZ™ Belt Trainer was brought in to tackle a mistracking belt. Read more.
Seized rollers cut into belt.
SOLUTION: Regularly inspect conveyor for seized (non-rotating) rollers. For steel rollers, look for flat spots with sharp edges; these should be replaced immediately or risk cutting the belt. For composite rollers with a steel core, look for flat spots with sharp edges; these should be replaced immediately or risk cutting the belt. For composite rollers without a steel core, replace when feasible.
BONUS: What time of year should you schedule a third-party belt conveyor assessment? You may be surprised by the answer. Find out in our blog.
Incorrectly mounted cleaners or belt cupped when passing by cleaners.
SOLUTION: Ensure that the cleaners are mounted correctly by reviewing installation instructions. Also, if the belt is cupped, introduce a hold down roller to flatten the belt and ensure proper cleaner to belt contact.
REAL-LIFE RESULT! Read how one hard rock mining operation found the answer to their downtime woes with the MXP Extreme Duty Precleaner.
Poor attack angle, worn blade, or incorrect blade in reference to the material path.
SOLUTION: Pole location is vital to the success of the cleaner because it permits the correct blade attack angle, encourages maximum cleaning performance, and ensures maximum blade life because the entire wear area of the blade can be used. Optimal cleaning can be attained by paying close attention to the material path of the belt, which is typically the center 2/3 of the belt width. Choosing a blade that is only slightly wider than the material path can decrease blade wear and replacement.
BONUS: Flexco Field Specialist Chris Bias explains how recognizing your material path allows you to specify the correct cleaner blade and reduce belt damage in this video.
Along with visual checks every day, operations should perform a yearly belt conveyor assesment. The assessment can be done by an internal team, but participation by a third party is helpful. Simple maintenance tasks that may have gone unnoticed can be identified and addressed by your team, or components can be replaced that will make your equipment run more efficiently. If nothing else, an assessment can help keep your equipment running longer.